Here's a round-up of a few recent items that caught the fancy of the Telstar Logistics executive team:
The Worst Station Wagons Ever Produced (Hooniverse)
Five Airport Bars Made from Actual Airplanes (Jaunted)
Adventures in the Abandoned Ships of Suisun Bay (Bearings)
The Grillennium Falcon is a Star Wars-Themed Food Truck in Alabama (Eater)
A Mountain of Dead Streetcars in Los Angeles, 1956 (Los Angeles Times)
1979 Chevy Impala + Pabst Blue Ribbon = Battering Ram Music Video! (Jalopnik)
A Mariner's Guide to Waves (gCaptain)
Thunderbirds Meets 2001 in the Skylon Spaceplane Render Animation (YouTube)
Thank you for that "Abandoned ships of Suisun Bay" link.. I LOVE stuff like this.
And I thought for a minute we were gonna have a problem with station wagon-bashing, but they left my '83 B-body alone so it's cool.
Posted by: Cermo | 28 May 2011 at 01:36 PM