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06 January 2009


"masterminding the defence." !


how embarrassing for the paratrooper and marine. i wonder if the boobs will have to give back the thousands they probably charged for their security services.

where is steven segal when you need him?

"Now home, they say there needs to be a drastic change in the way the world deals with the bandits..Rocky said: 'They know we can’t really fight back. It’s easy money – and something must be done.'"

Notice there's no mention of the Brit ex-Marines actually *shooting back*, just flailing around with a bunch of "non-lethal" systems like water cannon and noisemakers.

I'm inferring they were not actually *armed*.

Hello? Why does this make sense?

Where's the Jolly Roger, and the swinging on ropes? These people have to learn to do things right.

Where's the Jolly Roger, and the swinging on ropes? These people have to learn to do things right.

Maybe it's just me, but there is something about capri pants and sandals that doesn't exactly give off the impression of a 'badass security team.' And whatever happened to going down with the ship?

Somali militia are one of the most lethal army in the world, not the tecknology and the weapon they have but ther fight on the field, one of the few proud ppl I encounter when I went Africa and very xenophopic, particularly to the west.

Hey, Thanks for the interesting post. It's crazy to know how much pirating occurs in international waters.

these pictures are scarrying me. Really I had been twise on ship, which was ttacked by pirates. On my last contract they shot us with kalashnikov and it was just a luck that nothing happens

Hey interesting view. Paint all ships grey hulls and it would confuse them to no end. They tend to run from Grey Hulled ships. I know I was there. Pirates attempted to chased us down with a German freighter that they captured off of Somalia. The chase was at night, and by day break, they saw that we were a grey hulled ship and turned the other way. One detail to add. I was security for the ship I was on and we were armed with crew serve weapons too.

I learned a lot from reading this blog post. They security may have not been allowed to use leathal force. I'm sure they used all the weapons at their disposal.

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I am very big fan of your website specially i like design of your website.

If I was in this band I'd be like "Can we actually play something that sounds good?"

It was awesome commerical really interesting fotage. Thumbs up

The trio locked all the hatches and doors and retreated to the roof of the bridge. Half an hour after the attack had begun, a helicopter from the French warship appeared.

While two pirates stayed in the skiff, six scrambled on das firing AK-47s at the bridge where the three men were masterminding the defence. das
People Finder

i learned a lot from reading this blog post. They security may have not been allowed to use leathal force. I'm sure they used all the weapons at their disposal.
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It was great article i will share it with my friends love your website

Arrrr if a pirate tried to take my boat Id run them through.

A norwegian politician now said that we should execute the pirates at sea...

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